ClothoidCurve Class Reference

Clothoids: G2lib::ClothoidCurve Class Reference
G2lib::ClothoidCurve Class Reference

#include <Clothoid.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for G2lib::ClothoidCurve:

Public Member Functions

 ClothoidCurve (string const &name)
 ClothoidCurve (ClothoidCurve const &s)
void setup (GenericContainer const &gc) override
 ClothoidCurve (real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type k, real_type dk, real_type L, string const &name)
 ClothoidCurve (real_type const P0[], real_type theta0, real_type const P1[], real_type theta1, string const &name)
void copy (ClothoidCurve const &c)
 ClothoidCurve (LineSegment const &LS)
 ClothoidCurve (CircleArc const &C)
 ClothoidCurve (BaseCurve const *pC)
ClothoidCurve const & operator= (ClothoidCurve const &s)
CurveType type () const override
void build (real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type k, real_type dk, real_type L)
int build_G1 (real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type x1, real_type y1, real_type theta1, real_type tol=1e-12)
int build_G1_D (real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type x1, real_type y1, real_type theta1, real_type L_D[2], real_type k_D[2], real_type dk_D[2], real_type tol=1e-12)
bool build_forward (real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type kappa0, real_type x1, real_type y1, real_type tol=1e-12)
void build (LineSegment const &LS)
void build (CircleArc const &)
void build (ClothoidCurve const &)
void build (Biarc const &)
void build (PolyLine const &)
void build (BiarcList const &)
void build (ClothoidList const &)
void build (Dubins const &)
void build (Dubins3p const &)
void Pinfinity (real_type &x, real_type &y, bool plus=true) const
real_type dkappa () const
real_type theta_total_variation () const
real_type theta_min_max (real_type &thMin, real_type &thMax) const
real_type delta_theta () const
real_type curvature_min_max (real_type &kMin, real_type &kMax) const
real_type curvature_total_variation () const
real_type integral_curvature2 () const
real_type integral_jerk2 () const
real_type integral_snap2 () const
void optimized_sample_ISO (real_type offs, integer npts, real_type max_angle, vector< real_type > &s) const
void optimized_sample_SAE (real_type offs, integer npts, real_type max_angle, vector< real_type > &s) const
real_type closest_point_by_sample (real_type ds, real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &X, real_type &Y, real_type &S) const
real_type distance_by_sample (real_type ds, real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &S) const
real_type distance_by_sample (real_type ds, real_type qx, real_type qy) const
bool bbTriangle (real_type &xx0, real_type &yy0, real_type &xx1, real_type &yy1, real_type &xx2, real_type &yy2) const
bool bbTriangle_ISO (real_type offs, real_type &xx0, real_type &yy0, real_type &xx1, real_type &yy1, real_type &xx2, real_type &yy2) const
bool bbTriangle_SAE (real_type offs, real_type &xx0, real_type &yy0, real_type &xx1, real_type &yy1, real_type &xx2, real_type &yy2) const
bool bbTriangle (Triangle2D &t, integer icurve=0) const
bool bbTriangle_ISO (real_type offs, Triangle2D &t, integer icurve=0) const
bool bbTriangle_SAE (real_type offs, Triangle2D &t, integer icurve=0) const
void bb_triangles_ISO (real_type offs, vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/6, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
void bb_triangles_SAE (real_type offs, vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/6, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
void bb_triangles (vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/6, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
void bbox (real_type &xmin, real_type &ymin, real_type &xmax, real_type &ymax) const override
void bbox_ISO (real_type offs, real_type &xmin, real_type &ymin, real_type &xmax, real_type &ymax) const override
real_type length () const override
real_type length_ISO (real_type) const override
real_type theta_begin () const override
real_type kappa_begin () const override
real_type x_begin () const override
real_type x_end () const override
real_type y_begin () const override
real_type y_end () const override
real_type tx_begin () const override
real_type ty_begin () const override
real_type nx_begin_ISO () const override
real_type ny_begin_ISO () const override
real_type tx (real_type s) const override
real_type ty (real_type s) const override
real_type tx_D (real_type s) const override
real_type ty_D (real_type s) const override
real_type tx_DD (real_type s) const override
real_type ty_DD (real_type s) const override
real_type tx_DDD (real_type s) const override
real_type ty_DDD (real_type s) const override
void tg (real_type s, real_type &tx, real_type &ty) const override
void tg_D (real_type s, real_type &tx_D, real_type &ty_D) const override
void tg_DD (real_type s, real_type &tx_DD, real_type &ty_DD) const override
void tg_DDD (real_type s, real_type &tx_DDD, real_type &ty_DDD) const override
real_type theta (real_type s) const override
real_type theta_D (real_type s) const override
real_type theta_DD (real_type) const override
real_type theta_DDD (real_type) const override
real_type X (real_type s) const override
real_type X_D (real_type s) const override
real_type X_DD (real_type s) const override
real_type X_DDD (real_type s) const override
real_type Y (real_type s) const override
real_type Y_D (real_type s) const override
real_type Y_DD (real_type s) const override
real_type Y_DDD (real_type s) const override
real_type X_ISO (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type X_ISO_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type X_ISO_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type X_ISO_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type Y_ISO (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type Y_ISO_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type Y_ISO_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
real_type Y_ISO_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const override
void eval (real_type s, real_type &x, real_type &y) const override
void eval_D (real_type s, real_type &x_D, real_type &y_D) const override
void eval_DD (real_type s, real_type &x_DD, real_type &y_DD) const override
void eval_DDD (real_type s, real_type &x_DDD, real_type &y_DDD) const override
void eval_ISO (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y) const override
void eval_ISO_D (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_D, real_type &y_D) const override
void eval_ISO_DD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DD, real_type &y_DD) const override
void eval_ISO_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DDD, real_type &y_DDD) const override
void translate (real_type tx, real_type ty) override
 translate curve by \((t_x,t_y)\)
void rotate (real_type angle, real_type cx, real_type cy) override
void scale (real_type s) override
void reverse () override
void change_origin (real_type newx0, real_type newy0) override
void trim (real_type s_begin, real_type s_end) override
void change_curvilinear_origin (real_type s0, real_type newL)
integer closest_point_ISO (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const override
integer closest_point_ISO (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const override
bool approximate_collision_ISO (real_type offs, ClothoidCurve const &c, real_type c_offs, real_type max_angle, real_type max_size) const
bool collision (ClothoidCurve const &C) const
bool collision_ISO (real_type offs, ClothoidCurve const &C, real_type offs_C) const
bool collision (BaseCurve const *pC) const override
bool collision_ISO (real_type offs, BaseCurve const *pC, real_type offs_C) const override
void intersect_ISO (real_type offs, ClothoidCurve const &C, real_type offs_C, IntersectList &ilist) const
void intersect (ClothoidCurve const &C, IntersectList &ilist) const
void intersect (BaseCurve const *pC, IntersectList &ilist) const override
void intersect_ISO (real_type offs, BaseCurve const *pC, real_type offs_LS, IntersectList &ilist) const override
string info () const
void info (ostream_type &stream) const override
virtual real_type theta_end () const
virtual real_type x_begin_ISO (real_type offs) const
virtual real_type y_begin_ISO (real_type offs) const
virtual real_type x_end_ISO (real_type offs) const
virtual real_type y_end_ISO (real_type offs) const
real_type x_begin_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type y_begin_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type x_end_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type y_end_SAE (real_type offs) const
virtual real_type tx_end () const
virtual real_type ty_end () const
virtual real_type nx_end_ISO () const
virtual real_type ny_end_ISO () const
real_type nx_begin_SAE () const
real_type ny_begin_SAE () const
real_type nx_end_SAE () const
real_type ny_end_SAE () const
real_type X_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
virtual void evaluate_ISO (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &th, real_type &k, real_type &x, real_type &y) const
virtual void evaluate_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &th, real_type &k, real_type &x, real_type &y) const
void eval_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y) const
void eval_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_D, real_type &y_D) const
void eval_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DD, real_type &y_DD) const
void eval_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DDD, real_type &y_DDD) const
integer closest_point_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const
integer closest_point_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const
real_type distance_ISO (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs) const
real_type distance_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from G2lib::BaseCurve
 BaseCurve (BaseCurve const &)=delete
BaseCurve const & operator= (BaseCurve const &)=delete
 BaseCurve (string const &name)
void build (GenericContainer const &gc)
string name () const
string type_name () const
real_type length_SAE (real_type offs) const
void bbox_SAE (real_type offs, real_type &xmin, real_type &ymin, real_type &xmax, real_type &ymax) const
virtual real_type kappa_end () const
real_type x_begin_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type y_begin_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type x_end_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type y_end_SAE (real_type offs) const
real_type nx_begin_SAE () const
real_type ny_begin_SAE () const
real_type nx_end_SAE () const
real_type ny_end_SAE () const
real_type kappa (real_type s) const
real_type kappa_D (real_type s) const
real_type kappa_DD (real_type s) const
real_type nx_ISO (real_type s) const
real_type nx_ISO_D (real_type s) const
real_type nx_ISO_DD (real_type s) const
real_type nx_ISO_DDD (real_type s) const
real_type ny_ISO (real_type s) const
real_type ny_ISO_D (real_type s) const
real_type ny_ISO_DD (real_type s) const
real_type ny_ISO_DDD (real_type s) const
real_type nx_SAE (real_type s) const
real_type nx_SAE_D (real_type s) const
real_type nx_SAE_DD (real_type s) const
real_type nx_SAE_DDD (real_type s) const
real_type ny_SAE (real_type s) const
real_type ny_SAE_D (real_type s) const
real_type ny_SAE_DD (real_type s) const
real_type ny_SAE_DDD (real_type s) const
void nor_ISO (real_type s, real_type &nx, real_type &ny) const
void nor_ISO_D (real_type s, real_type &nx_D, real_type &ny_D) const
void nor_ISO_DD (real_type s, real_type &nx_DD, real_type &ny_DD) const
void nor_ISO_DDD (real_type s, real_type &nx_DDD, real_type &ny_DDD) const
void nor_SAE (real_type s, real_type &nx, real_type &ny) const
void nor_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type &nx_D, real_type &ny_D) const
void nor_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type &nx_DD, real_type &ny_DD) const
void nor_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type &nx_DDD, real_type &ny_DDD) const
virtual void evaluate (real_type s, real_type &th, real_type &k, real_type &x, real_type &y) const
real_type X_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type X_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
real_type Y_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs) const
void eval_SAE (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y) const
void eval_SAE_D (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_D, real_type &y_D) const
void eval_SAE_DD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DD, real_type &y_DD) const
void eval_SAE_DDD (real_type s, real_type offs, real_type &x_DDD, real_type &y_DDD) const
bool collision_SAE (real_type offs, BaseCurve const *pC, real_type offs_C) const
void intersect_SAE (real_type offs, BaseCurve const *pC, real_type offs_C, IntersectList &ilist) const
integer closest_point_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const
integer closest_point_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const
virtual real_type distance (real_type qx, real_type qy) const
real_type distance_ISO (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs) const
real_type distance_SAE (real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type offs) const
bool findST_ISO (real_type x, real_type y, real_type &s, real_type &t) const
bool findST_SAE (real_type x, real_type y, real_type &s, real_type &t) const


class ClothoidList
ostream_typeoperator<< (ostream_type &stream, ClothoidCurve const &c)

Detailed Description

Class to manage Clothoid Curve. A clothoid curve is described by the following generalized Fresnel integrals

\[ \begin{cases} x(s) = x_0 + \displaystyle\int_0^s \cos(as^2+bs+c)\,\mathrm{d}t \\[1em] y(s) = y_0 + \displaystyle\int_0^s \sin(as^2+bs+c)\,\mathrm{d}t \end{cases} \]


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ClothoidCurve() [1/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( string const & name)

eof: BaseCurve_using.hxx Build an empty clothoid curve

◆ ClothoidCurve() [2/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( ClothoidCurve const & s)

Build a copy of an existing clothoid curve

◆ ClothoidCurve() [3/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( real_type x0,
real_type y0,
real_type theta0,
real_type k,
real_type dk,
real_type L,
string const & name )

Construct a clothoid with the standard parameters.

[in]x0starting position \(x\)-coordinate
[in]y0starting position \(y\)-coordinate
[in]theta0initial angle
[in]dkcurvature derivative
[in]namename of the clothoid curve

◆ ClothoidCurve() [4/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( real_type const P0[],
real_type theta0,
real_type const P1[],
real_type theta1,
string const & name )

Construct a clothoid \( G(s) \) solving the \( G^1 \) problem.

\[ \begin{array}{rcl} G(0) &=& \mathbf{p}_0 \\[1em] G(L) &=& \mathbf{p}_1 \\[1em] G'(0) &=& (\cos\theta_0,\sin\theta_0)^T \\[1em] G'(L) &=& (\cos\theta_1,\sin\theta_1)^T \\[1em] \end{array} \]

[in]P0initial point \( \mathbf{p}_0 \)
[in]theta0initial angle \( \theta_0 \)
[in]P1final point \( \mathbf{p}_1 \)
[in]theta1final angle \( \theta_1 \)
[in]namename of the clothoid curve

◆ ClothoidCurve() [5/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( LineSegment const & LS)

Build a clothoid copying an existing line segment.

◆ ClothoidCurve() [6/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( CircleArc const & C)

Build a clothoid copying an existing circle arc.

◆ ClothoidCurve() [7/7]

G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ClothoidCurve ( BaseCurve const * pC)

Build a clothoid copying an existing curve.

Member Function Documentation

◆ approximate_collision_ISO()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::approximate_collision_ISO ( real_type offs,
ClothoidCurve const & C,
real_type offs_C,
real_type max_angle,
real_type max_size ) const

Collision detection

[in]offscurve offset
[in]Ccurve to compare for collision detection
[in]offs_Ccurve offset
[in]max_anglemaximum angle variation
[in]max_sizeif the segment is larger then this parameter is split

◆ bb_triangles()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bb_triangles ( vector< Triangle2D > & tvec,
real_type max_angle = Utils::m_pi/6,
real_type max_size = 1e100,
integer icurve = 0 ) const

Build a cover with triangles of the curve.

[out]tveclist of covering triangles
[out]max_anglemaximum angle variation of the curve covered by a triangle
[out]max_sizemaximum admissible size of the covering tirnagles
[out]icurveindex of the covering triangles

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ bb_triangles_ISO()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bb_triangles_ISO ( real_type offs,
vector< Triangle2D > & tvec,
real_type max_angle = Utils::m_pi/6,
real_type max_size = 1e100,
integer icurve = 0 ) const

Build a cover with triangles of the curve with offset (ISO).

[out]offscurve offset
[out]tveclist of covering triangles
[out]max_anglemaximum angle variation of the curve covered by a triangle
[out]max_sizemaximum admissible size of the covering tirnagles
[out]icurveindex of the covering triangles

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ bb_triangles_SAE()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bb_triangles_SAE ( real_type offs,
vector< Triangle2D > & tvec,
real_type max_angle = Utils::m_pi/6,
real_type max_size = 1e100,
integer icurve = 0 ) const

Build a cover with triangles of the curve with offset (SAE).

[out]offscurve offset
[out]tveclist of covering triangles
[out]max_anglemaximum angle variation of the arc covered by a triangle
[out]max_sizemaximum admissible size of the covering tirnagles
[out]icurveindex of the covering triangles

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ bbox()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bbox ( real_type & xmin,
real_type & ymin,
real_type & xmax,
real_type & ymax ) const

Compute the bounding box of the curve.

[out]xminleft bottom
[out]yminleft bottom
[out]xmaxright top
[out]ymaxright top

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ bbox_ISO()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bbox_ISO ( real_type offs,
real_type & xmin,
real_type & ymin,
real_type & xmax,
real_type & ymax ) const

Compute the bounding box of the curve with offset (ISO).

[in]offscurve offset
[out]xminleft bottom
[out]yminleft bottom
[out]xmaxright top
[out]ymaxright top

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ bbTriangle()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bbTriangle ( real_type & xx0,
real_type & yy0,
real_type & xx1,
real_type & yy1,
real_type & xx2,
real_type & yy2 ) const

Get the triangle bounding box (if angle variation less that \( \pi/2 \) )

◆ bbTriangle_ISO()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bbTriangle_ISO ( real_type offs,
real_type & xx0,
real_type & yy0,
real_type & xx1,
real_type & yy1,
real_type & xx2,
real_type & yy2 ) const

Get the triangle bounding box (if angle variation less that \( \pi/2 \))

◆ bbTriangle_SAE()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::bbTriangle_SAE ( real_type offs,
real_type & xx0,
real_type & yy0,
real_type & xx1,
real_type & yy1,
real_type & xx2,
real_type & yy2 ) const

Get the triangle bounding box (if angle variation less that \( \pi/2 \))

◆ build() [1/3]

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build ( CircleArc const & C)

Build a clothoid from a circle arc.

◆ build() [2/3]

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build ( LineSegment const & LS)

Build a clothoid from a line segment.

◆ build() [3/3]

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build ( real_type x0,
real_type y0,
real_type theta0,
real_type k,
real_type dk,
real_type L )

Build a clothoid with the standard parameters

[in]x0starting position \(x\)-coordinate
[in]y0starting position \(y\)-coordinate
[in]theta0initial angle
[in]dkcurvature derivative

◆ build_forward()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build_forward ( real_type x0,
real_type y0,
real_type theta0,
real_type kappa0,
real_type x1,
real_type y1,
real_type tol = 1e-12 )

Build a clothoid by solving the forward problem.

[in]x0initial \(x\)-position \( x_0 \)
[in]y0initial \(y\)-position \( y_0 \)
[in]theta0initial angle \( \theta_0 \)
[in]kappa0initial curvature \( \kappa_0 \)
[in]x1final \(x\)-position \( x_1 \)
[in]y1final \(y\)-position \( y_1 \)
[in]toltolerance of the forward problem

◆ build_G1()

int G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build_G1 ( real_type x0,
real_type y0,
real_type theta0,
real_type x1,
real_type y1,
real_type theta1,
real_type tol = 1e-12 )

Build a clothoid by solving the hermite \( G^1 \) problem.

[in]x0initial x position \( x_0 \)
[in]y0initial y position \( y_0 \)
[in]theta0initial angle \( \theta_0 \)
[in]x1final x position \( x_1 \)
[in]y1final y position \( y_1 \)
[in]theta1final angle \( \theta_1 \)
number of iteration performed

◆ build_G1_D()

int G2lib::ClothoidCurve::build_G1_D ( real_type x0,
real_type y0,
real_type theta0,
real_type x1,
real_type y1,
real_type theta1,
real_type L_D[2],
real_type k_D[2],
real_type dk_D[2],
real_type tol = 1e-12 )

Build a clothoid by solving the hermite \( G^1 \) problem.

[in]x0initial x position \( x_0 \)
[in]y0initial y position \( y_0 \)
[in]theta0initial angle \( \theta_0 \)
[in]x1final x position \( x_1 \)
[in]y1final y position \( y_1 \)
[in]theta1final angle \( \theta_1 \)
[out]L_Dderivative of the length \( L(\theta_0,\theta_1) \)
[out]k_Dderivative of the curvature \( \kappa(\theta_0,\theta_1) \)
[out]dk_Dderivative of the curvature variation \( \kappa'(\theta_0,\theta_1) \)
[out]tol= \(10^{-12}\)
number of iteration performed

◆ change_curvilinear_origin()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::change_curvilinear_origin ( real_type s0,
real_type newL )

change the origin of the clothoid at \( s_0 \) and the length to \( L \).

[in]s0\( s_0 \)
[in]newL\( L \)

◆ change_origin()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::change_origin ( real_type newx0,
real_type newy0 )

Translate curve so that origin will be (newx0, newy0).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ closest_point_by_sample()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::closest_point_by_sample ( real_type ds,
real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type & X,
real_type & Y,
real_type & S ) const

Compute the point on clothoid at minimal distance from a given point.

dssampling step
qx\( x \)-coordinate of the given point
qy\( y \)-coordinate of the given point
X\( x \)-coordinate of the point on clothoid at minimal distance
Y\( y \)-coordinate of the point on clothoid at minimal distance
Scurvilinear coordinate of the point (X,Y) on the clothoid
the distance of the point from the clothoid

◆ closest_point_ISO() [1/2]

integer G2lib::ClothoidCurve::closest_point_ISO ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type & x,
real_type & y,
real_type & s,
real_type & t,
real_type & dst ) const

Compute the point on clothoid at minimal distance from a given point using the optimized algorithm described in the publication:

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, Point-Clothoid distance and projection computation SIAM J. Scientific Computing, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. A3326-A3353
qx\(x\)-coordinate of the given point
qy\(y\)-coordinate of the given point
x\(x\)-coordinate of the point on clothoid at minimal distance
y\(y\)-coordinate of the point on clothoid at minimal distance
scurvilinear coordinate of the point (X,Y) on the clothoid
tnormal coordinate of the point (X,Y) on the clothoid
dstthe distance of the point from the clothoid
1 = point is projected orthogonal 0 = more than one projection (first returned) -1 = minimum point is not othogonal projection to curve

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ closest_point_ISO() [2/2]

integer G2lib::ClothoidCurve::closest_point_ISO ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type offs,
real_type & x,
real_type & y,
real_type & s,
real_type & t,
real_type & dst ) const

Given a point find closest point on the curve.

qx\(x\)-coordinate of the point
qy\(y\)-coordinate of the point
offsoffset of the curve
x\(x\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
y\(y\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
sparameter on the curve of the projection
tcurvilinear coordinate of the point x,y (if orthogonal projection)
dstdistance point projected point
1 = point is projected orthogonal 0 = more than one projection (first returned) -1 = minimum point is not othogonal projection to curve

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ closest_point_SAE() [1/2]

integer G2lib::BaseCurve::closest_point_SAE ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type & x,
real_type & y,
real_type & s,
real_type & t,
real_type & dst ) const

Given a point find closest point on the curve.

qx\(x\)-coordinate of the point
qy\(y\)-coordinate of the point
x\(x\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
y\(y\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
sparameter on the curve of the projection
tcurvilinear coordinate of the point x,y (if orthogonal projection)
dstdistance point projected point
1 = point is projected orthogonal 0 = more than one projection (first returned) -1 = minimum point is not othogonal projection to curve

◆ closest_point_SAE() [2/2]

integer G2lib::BaseCurve::closest_point_SAE ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type offs,
real_type & x,
real_type & y,
real_type & s,
real_type & t,
real_type & dst ) const

Given a point find closest point on the curve.

qx\(x\)-coordinate of the point
qy\(y\)-coordinate of the point
offsoffset of the curve
x\(x\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
y\(y\)-coordinate of the projected point on the curve
sparameter on the curve of the projection
tcurvilinear coordinate of the point x,y (if orthogonal projection)
dstdistance point projected point
1 = point is projected orthogonal 0 = more than one projection (first returned) -1 = minimum point is not othogonal projection to curve

◆ collision()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::collision ( BaseCurve const * pC) const

Check collision with another curve.

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ collision_ISO()

bool G2lib::ClothoidCurve::collision_ISO ( real_type offs,
BaseCurve const * pC,
real_type offs_C ) const

Check collision with another curve with offset (ISO).

[in]offscurve offset
[in]pCsecond curve to check collision
[in]offs_Ccurve offset of the second curve
true if collision is detected

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ copy()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::copy ( ClothoidCurve const & c)

Build a clothoid copying an existing one.

◆ curvature_min_max()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::curvature_min_max ( real_type & kMin,
real_type & kMax ) const

Max and min of the curvatire of the clothoid curve.

◆ curvature_total_variation()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::curvature_total_variation ( ) const

Clothoid total curvature variation.

◆ delta_theta()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::delta_theta ( ) const

Clothoid angle range.

◆ distance_by_sample() [1/2]

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::distance_by_sample ( real_type ds,
real_type qx,
real_type qy ) const

Approximate the point on clothoid at minimal distance from a given point using simple sampling.

dssampling step
qx\(x\)-coordinate of the given point
qy\(y\)-coordinate of the given point
the distance of the point from the clothoid

◆ distance_by_sample() [2/2]

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::distance_by_sample ( real_type ds,
real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type & S ) const

Approximate the point on clothoid at minimal distance from a given point using simple sampling.

dssampling step
qx\( x \)-coordinate of the given point
qy\( y \)-coordinate of the given point
Scurvilinear coordinate of the point (X,Y) on the clothoid
the distance of the point from the clothoid

◆ distance_ISO()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::distance_ISO ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type offs ) const

Compute the distance between a point \(q=(q_x,q_y)\) and the curve with offset (ISO).

[in]qxcomponent \(q_x\)
[in]qycomponent \(q_y\)
[in]offsoffset of the curve
the computed distance

◆ distance_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::distance_SAE ( real_type qx,
real_type qy,
real_type offs ) const

Compute the distance between a point \(q=(q_x,q_y)\) and the curve with offset (SAE).

[in]qxcomponent \(q_x\)
[in]qycomponent \(q_y\)
[in]offsoffset of the curve
the computed distance

◆ dkappa()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::dkappa ( ) const

Derivative of the curvature of the clothoid.

◆ eval()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval ( real_type s,
real_type & x,
real_type & y ) const

x and \(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_D()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_D ( real_type s,
real_type & x_D,
real_type & y_D ) const

x and \(y\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_DD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_DD ( real_type s,
real_type & x_DD,
real_type & y_DD ) const

x and \(y\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_DDD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type & x_DDD,
real_type & y_DDD ) const

x and \(y\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_ISO()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_ISO ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x,
real_type & y ) const

Compute curve at position s with offset offs (ISO).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_ISO_D()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_ISO_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_D,
real_type & y_D ) const

Compute derivative curve at position s with offset offs (ISO).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_ISO_DD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_ISO_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_DD,
real_type & y_DD ) const

Compute second derivative curve at position s with offset offs (ISO).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve
[out]x_DD\(x\)-coordinate second derivative
[out]y_DD\(y\)-coordinate second derivative

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_ISO_DDD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::eval_ISO_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_DDD,
real_type & y_DDD ) const

Compute third derivative curve at position s with offset offs (ISO).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve
[out]x_DDD\(x\)-coordinate third derivative
[out]y_DDD\(y\)-coordinate third derivative

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ eval_SAE()

void G2lib::BaseCurve::eval_SAE ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x,
real_type & y ) const

Compute curve at position s with offset offs (SAE).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve

◆ eval_SAE_D()

void G2lib::BaseCurve::eval_SAE_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_D,
real_type & y_D ) const

Compute derivative curve at position s with offset offs (SAE).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve
[out]x_D\(x\)-coordinate first derivative
[out]y_D\(y\)-coordinate first derivative

◆ eval_SAE_DD()

void G2lib::BaseCurve::eval_SAE_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_DD,
real_type & y_DD ) const

Compute second derivative curve at position s with offset offs (SAE).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve
[out]x_DD\(x\)-coordinate second derivative
[out]y_DD\(y\)-coordinate second derivative

◆ eval_SAE_DDD()

void G2lib::BaseCurve::eval_SAE_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & x_DDD,
real_type & y_DDD ) const

Compute third derivative curve at position s with offset offs (SAE).

[in]sparameter on the curve
[in]offsoffset of the curve
[out]x_DDD\(x\)-coordinate third derivative
[out]y_DDD\(y\)-coordinate third derivative

◆ evaluate_ISO()

virtual void G2lib::BaseCurve::evaluate_ISO ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & th,
real_type & k,
real_type & x,
real_type & y ) const

Evaluate curve with offset at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) (ISO).

[in]scurvilinear coordinate

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ evaluate_SAE()

virtual void G2lib::BaseCurve::evaluate_SAE ( real_type s,
real_type offs,
real_type & th,
real_type & k,
real_type & x,
real_type & y ) const

Evaluate curve with offset at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) (SAE).

[in]scurvilinear coordinate

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ info()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::info ( ostream_type & stream) const

Pretty print of the curve data.

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ integral_curvature2()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::integral_curvature2 ( ) const

Given the clothoid curve \( P(s) \) compute.

\[ \int_0^L |P''(s)|^2 \mathrm{d}s \]

◆ integral_jerk2()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::integral_jerk2 ( ) const

Given the clothoid curve \( P(s) \) compute.

\[ \int_0^L |P'''(s)|^2 \mathrm{d}s \]

◆ integral_snap2()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::integral_snap2 ( ) const

Given the clothoid curve \( P(s) \) compute.

\[ \int_0^L |P''''(s)|^2 \mathrm{d}s \]

◆ intersect()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::intersect ( BaseCurve const * pC,
IntersectList & ilist ) const

Intersect the curve with another curve.

[in]pCsecond curve intersect
[out]ilistlist of the intersection (as parameter on the curves)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ intersect_ISO()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::intersect_ISO ( real_type offs,
BaseCurve const * pC,
real_type offs_C,
IntersectList & ilist ) const

Intersect the curve with another curve with offset (ISO)

[in]offsoffset first curve
[in]pCsecond curve intersect
[in]offs_Coffset second curve
[out]ilistlist of the intersection (as parameter on the curves)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ kappa_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::kappa_begin ( ) const

Initial curvature.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ length()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::length ( ) const

The length of the curve

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ length_ISO()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::length_ISO ( real_type offs) const

The length of the curve with offset (ISO)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ nx_begin_ISO()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::nx_begin_ISO ( ) const

Intial normal \(x\)-coordinate (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ nx_begin_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::nx_begin_SAE ( ) const

Intial normal \(x\)-coordinate (SAE).

◆ nx_end_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::nx_end_ISO ( ) const

Final normal \(x\)-coordinate (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ nx_end_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::nx_end_SAE ( ) const

Final normal \(x\)-coordinate (SAE).

◆ ny_begin_ISO()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ny_begin_ISO ( ) const

Intial normal \(y\)-coordinate (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ny_begin_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::ny_begin_SAE ( ) const

Intial normal \(y\)-coordinate (SAE).

◆ ny_end_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::ny_end_ISO ( ) const

Final normal \(y\)-coordinate (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ny_end_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::ny_end_SAE ( ) const

Intial normal \(y\)-coordinate (SAE).

◆ operator=()

ClothoidCurve const & G2lib::ClothoidCurve::operator= ( ClothoidCurve const & s)

Copy an existing clothoid.

◆ optimized_sample_ISO()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::optimized_sample_ISO ( real_type offs,
integer npts,
real_type max_angle,
vector< real_type > & s ) const

Return a vector of optimized sample parameters for plotting.

offsoffset of the sampled curve
nptssuggested minimum number of sampled points
max_anglemaximum angle variation between two sampled points
svector of computed parameters

◆ optimized_sample_SAE()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::optimized_sample_SAE ( real_type offs,
integer npts,
real_type max_angle,
vector< real_type > & s ) const

Return a vector of optimized sample parameters for plotting.

offsoffset of the sampled curve
nptssuggested minimum number of sampled points
max_anglemaximum angle variation between two sampled points
svector of computed parameters

◆ Pinfinity()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Pinfinity ( real_type & x,
real_type & y,
bool plus = true ) const

Return the point at infinity of the clothoids \( P(s) \).

[out]x\(x\)-coordinate of the \(\infty\) point
[out]y\(y\)-coordinate of the \(\infty\) point
[out]plusit true return \( \lim_{s\to+\infty} P(s) \) otherwise return \( \lim_{s\to-\infty} P(s) \)

◆ reverse()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::reverse ( )

Reverse curve parameterization.

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ rotate()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::rotate ( real_type angle,
real_type cx,
real_type cy )

Rotate curve by angle \(\theta\) centered at point \((c_x,c_y)\).

[in]angleangle \(\theta\)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ scale()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::scale ( real_type sc)

Scale curve by factor sc.

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ setup()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::setup ( GenericContainer const & gc)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tg()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tg ( real_type s,
real_type & tg_x,
real_type & tg_y ) const

Tangent at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tg_D()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tg_D ( real_type s,
real_type & tg_x_D,
real_type & tg_y_D ) const

Tangent derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tg_DD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tg_DD ( real_type s,
real_type & tg_x_DD,
real_type & tg_y_DD ) const

Tangent second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tg_DDD()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tg_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type & tg_x_DDD,
real_type & tg_y_DDD ) const

Tangent third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta ( real_type s) const

Get clothoid angle at curvilinear cooordinate s.

scurvilinear cooordinate
angle (radiant) at curvilinear cooordinate s

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_begin ( ) const

Initial angle of the curve.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_D ( real_type s) const

Get clothoid angle derivative (=curvature) at curvilinear cooordinate s.

scurvilinear cooordinate
angle derivative (radiant/s) at curvilinear cooordinate s

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_DD ( real_type ) const

Get clothoid angle second derivative at curvilinear cooordinate s.

angle second derivative (radiant/s^2) at curvilinear cooordinate s

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_DDD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_DDD ( real_type ) const

Get clothoid angle third derivative at curvilinear cooordinate s.

angle third derivative (radiant/s^3) at curvilinear cooordinate s

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_end()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::theta_end ( ) const

Final angle of the curve.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ theta_min_max()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_min_max ( real_type & thMin,
real_type & thMax ) const

Max and min angle of the curve.

◆ theta_total_variation()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::theta_total_variation ( ) const

Clothoid curve total variation of the angle.

◆ translate()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::translate ( real_type tx,
real_type ty )

translate curve by \((t_x,t_y)\)

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ trim()

void G2lib::ClothoidCurve::trim ( real_type s_begin,
real_type s_end )

Cut curve at parametric coordinate s_begin and s_end.

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tx ( real_type s) const

Tangent \(x\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tx_begin ( ) const

Initial tangent \(x\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tx_D ( real_type s) const

Tangent derivative \(x\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tx_DD ( real_type s) const

Tangent second derivative \(x\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx_DDD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::tx_DDD ( real_type s) const

Tangent third derivative \(x\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ tx_end()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::tx_end ( ) const

Final tangent \(x\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ty ( real_type s) const

Tangent \(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ty_begin ( ) const

Initial tangent \(y\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ty_D ( real_type s) const

Tangent derivative \(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ty_DD ( real_type s) const

Tangent second derivative \(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty_DDD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::ty_DDD ( real_type s) const

Tangent third derivative \(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ ty_end()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::ty_end ( ) const

Final tangent \(y\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ type()

CurveType G2lib::ClothoidCurve::type ( ) const

The name of the curve type

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X ( real_type s) const

Clothoid \(x\) coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

scurvilinear coordinate
clothoid \(x\) coordinate

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::x_begin ( ) const

Initial \(x\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_begin_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::x_begin_ISO ( real_type offs) const

Initial \(x\)-coordinate with offset (ISO standard).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_begin_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::x_begin_SAE ( real_type offs) const

Initial \(x\)-coordinate with offset (SAE standard).

◆ X_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_D ( real_type s) const

\(x\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_DD ( real_type s) const

\(x\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X_DDD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_DDD ( real_type s) const

\(x\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_end()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::x_end ( ) const

Final \(x\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_end_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::x_end_ISO ( real_type offs) const

Final \(x\)-coordinate with offset (ISO standard).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ x_end_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::x_end_SAE ( real_type offs) const

Final \(y\)-coordinate with offset (SAE standard).

◆ X_ISO()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_ISO ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

Clothoid \(x\) coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

scurvilinear coordinate
offslateral offset
clothoid \(x\) coordinate

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X_ISO_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_ISO_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X_ISO_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_ISO_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.


real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::X_ISO_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ X_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::X_SAE ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

◆ X_SAE_D()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::X_SAE_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

◆ X_SAE_DD()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::X_SAE_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).


real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::X_SAE_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(x\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

◆ Y()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y ( real_type s) const

Clothoid \(y\) coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

scurvilinear coordinate
clothoid \(y\) coordinate

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_begin()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::y_begin ( ) const

Initial \(y\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_begin_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::y_begin_ISO ( real_type offs) const

Initial \(y\)-coordinate with offset (ISO standard).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_begin_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::y_begin_SAE ( real_type offs) const

Initial \(y\)-coordinate with offset (SAE standard).

◆ Y_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_D ( real_type s) const

\(y\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ Y_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_DD ( real_type s) const

\(y\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ Y_DDD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_DDD ( real_type s) const

\(y\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

Implements G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_end()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::y_end ( ) const

Final \(y\)-coordinate.

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_end_ISO()

virtual real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::y_end_ISO ( real_type offs) const

Final \(y\)-coordinate with offset (ISO standard).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ y_end_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::y_end_SAE ( real_type offs) const

Final \(y\)-coordinate with offset (ISO standard).

◆ Y_ISO()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_ISO ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

Clothoid \(y\) coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\).

scurvilinear coordinate
offslateral offset
clothoid \(y\) coordinate

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ Y_ISO_D()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_ISO_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ Y_ISO_DD()

real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_ISO_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.


real_type G2lib::ClothoidCurve::Y_ISO_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (ISO).

Reimplemented from G2lib::BaseCurve.

◆ Y_SAE()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::Y_SAE ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

◆ Y_SAE_D()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::Y_SAE_D ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

◆ Y_SAE_DD()

real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::Y_SAE_DD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate second derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).


real_type G2lib::BaseCurve::Y_SAE_DDD ( real_type s,
real_type offs ) const

\(y\)-coordinate third derivative at curvilinear coordinate \(s\) with offset offs (SAE).

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator<<

ostream_type & operator<< ( ostream_type & stream,
ClothoidCurve const & c )

Print on strem the ClothoidCurve object

streamthe output stream
can instance of ClothoidCurve object
the output stream

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /Users/enrico/Ricerca/develop/PINS/pins-mechatronix/LibSources/submodules/Clothoids/src/Clothoids/Clothoid.hxx
  • /Users/enrico/Ricerca/develop/PINS/pins-mechatronix/LibSources/submodules/Clothoids/src/
  • /Users/enrico/Ricerca/develop/PINS/pins-mechatronix/LibSources/submodules/Clothoids/src/