
A clothoid is a curve \((x(s),y(x))\) is described by the parametric equations:

  • \[ x(s)=\int_0^s \cos\left(\frac{1}{2}\kappa'\tau^2+\kappa_0\tau+\vartheta_0\right)\,\mathrm{d}\tau \]
  • \[ y(s)=\int_0^s \sin\left(\frac{1}{2}\kappa'\tau^2+\kappa_0\tau+\vartheta_0\right)\,\mathrm{d}\tau \]

when \(\kappa'=0\) the clothoids reduce to a circle arc and when \(\kappa'=\kappa_0=0\) the clothoids reduce to a straight segment.

This library implements algorithms for \(G^1\) and \(G^2\) fitting with clothoids, spline of clothoids, circle arc and biarc.

The implementation of the algorithms on clothoids, splines of clothoids, arc, bi-arc splines of biarcs are described in the works:

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, \(G^1\) fitting with clothoids, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2015,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, Interpolating clothoid splines with curvature continuity, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, On the G2 Hermite interpolation problem with clothoids, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, A Note on Robust Biarc Computation, Computer-Aided Design And Applications, 2019,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, Point-Clothoid Distance and Projection Computation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2019,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, Francesco Biral, Interpolating splines of biarcs from a sequence of planar points, Computer-Aided Design And Applications, 2020,

  • E.Bertolazzi, P.Bevilacqua, M.Frego, Efficient intersection between splines of clothoids, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2020,

  • E.Bertolazzi, M.Frego, Francesco Biral, Interpolating splines of biarcs from a sequence of planar points, Computer-Aided Design And Applications, 2020,

  • M.Frego, Closed form parametrisation of 3D clothoids by arclength with both linear varying curvature and torsion, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022,

The library contains the following objects:

  • Segment

  • CircleArc

  • Clothoids

  • BiArc

  • spline of

    • Segment

    • CircleArc

    • Clothoids (with \(G^1\) and \(G^2\) continuity)

    • BiArc

  • Triangles

  • BBox (bounding box)

and fast algorithms involving the objects, in particular:

  • evaluation

  • intersection (between objects)

  • point-object distance

Library is written in C++11 with a MATLAB mex interface. Thus can be used in fast compiled application or in MATLAB scripts.

To compile the C++11 library the easy way require cmake and rake

ruby setup.rb



for more details see: online documentation at