Class Members - Functions
Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- append() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- approx() : PolyLine
- b -
- bbox() : CurveBase
- bbTriangles() : CurveBase
- Biarc() : Biarc
- BiarcList() : BiarcList
- build() : Biarc, CircleArc, ClothoidCurve, ClothoidList, Dubins3p, Dubins, LineSegment, PolyLine
- build_3P() : Biarc, CircleArc
- build_forward() : ClothoidCurve
- build_G1() : BiarcList, CircleArc, ClothoidCurve, ClothoidList
- build_theta() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- c -
- change_curvilinear_origin() : CircleArc
- change_origin() : CurveBase
- changeCurvilinearOrigin() : CircleArc
- changeOrigin() : CurveBase
- CircleArc() : CircleArc
- closest_point() : CurveBase
- closest_point_in_s_range() : ClothoidList
- closestPoint() : CurveBase
- closestPointInRange() : ClothoidList
- closestPointInSRange() : ClothoidList
- ClothoidCurve() : ClothoidCurve
- ClothoidList() : ClothoidList
- collision() : CurveBase
- copyElement() : CurveBase
- d -
- e -
- eval() : CurveBase
- eval_D() : CurveBase
- eval_DD() : CurveBase
- eval_DDD() : CurveBase
- evaluate() : CurveBase
- export() : CircleArc, ClothoidList, LineSegment
- f -
- g -
- get() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- get_circles() : Biarc
- get_STK() : ClothoidList
- get_XY() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- getData() : Biarc
- i -
- k -
- kappa() : CurveBase
- kappa0() : Biarc
- kappa1() : Biarc
- kappa_begin() : CurveBase
- kappa_D() : CurveBase
- kappa_DD() : CurveBase
- kappa_end() : CurveBase
- kappaBegin() : CurveBase
- kappaEnd() : CurveBase
- l -
- length() : CurveBase
- length0() : Biarc
- length1() : Biarc
- LineSegment() : LineSegment
- load() : ClothoidList
- n -
- noAABBtree() : CurveBase
- num_segments() : BiarcList
- numSegments() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- o -
- obj_handle() : CurveBase, Triangle2D
- p -
- plot() : Biarc, BiarcList, CircleArc, ClothoidList, Dubins3p, Dubins, LineSegment, PolyLine
- plot_angle() : Biarc, BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plot_bbox() : CurveBase
- plot_curvature() : Biarc, BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plot_normal() : Biarc, ClothoidList
- plot_offs() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plot_polygon() : CircleArc
- plot_tbox() : CurveBase
- plot_triangles() : CurveBase
- plotAngle() : Biarc, BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plotBBox() : CurveBase
- plotCurvature() : Biarc, BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plotNormal() : Biarc, BiarcList, ClothoidList
- plotPolygon() : CircleArc
- plotTBox() : CurveBase
- plotTriangles() : CurveBase
- points() : LineSegment
- polygon() : PolyLine
- PolyLine() : PolyLine
- push_back() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- push_back_G1() : ClothoidList
- r -
- reserve() : BiarcList, ClothoidList
- reverse() : CurveBase
- rotate() : CurveBase, Triangle2D
- s -
- s_to_index() : PolyLine
- save() : ClothoidList
- save_clothoids() : ClothoidList
- saveClothoids() : ClothoidList
- scale() : CircleArc, CurveBase, Triangle2D
- t -
- theta() : CurveBase
- theta_begin() : CurveBase
- theta_D() : CurveBase
- theta_DD() : CurveBase
- theta_DDD() : CurveBase
- theta_end() : CurveBase
- theta_middle() : Biarc
- thetaBegin() : CurveBase
- thetaEnd() : CurveBase
- thetaMiddle() : Biarc
- to_nurbs() : Biarc, CircleArc, LineSegment
- translate() : CurveBase, Triangle2D
- Triangle2D() : Triangle2D
- trim() : CurveBase
- x -
- x_begin() : CurveBase
- x_end() : CurveBase
- x_middle() : Biarc
- xBegin() : CurveBase
- xEnd() : CurveBase
- xMiddle() : Biarc
- xy_begin() : CurveBase
- xy_end() : CurveBase
- xyBegin() : CurveBase
- xyEnd() : CurveBase
- y -
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