/Users/enrico/Ricerca/develop/PINS/pins-mechatronix/LibSources/submodules/Clothoids/src/Clothoids/Circle.hxx Source File
Definition BaseCurve.hxx:192
Definition Biarc.hxx:39
Definition BiarcList.hxx:42
Definition Circle.hxx:37
void eval(real_type s, real_type &x, real_type &y) const override
Definition Circle.cc:294
void bbox(real_type &xmin, real_type &ymin, real_type &xmax, real_type &ymax) const override
Definition Circle.cc:557
void bb_triangles_SAE(real_type offs, vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/18, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
Definition Circle.hxx:455
friend ostream_type & operator<<(ostream_type &stream, CircleArc const &bi)
Definition Circle.cc:995
bool bbTriangle(real_type p0[], real_type p1[], real_type p2[]) const
Definition Circle.hxx:294
bool bbTriangle(Triangle2D &t, real_type ss0=0, real_type ss1=0, integer icurve=0) const
Definition Circle.hxx:352
bool bbTriangle_SAE(real_type offs, Triangle2D &t, real_type ss0=0, real_type ss1=0, integer icurve=0) const
Definition Circle.hxx:401
integer closest_point_ISO(real_type qx, real_type qy, real_type &x, real_type &y, real_type &s, real_type &t, real_type &dst) const override
Definition Circle.cc:808
void tg_DD(real_type s, real_type &tx_DD, real_type &ty_DD) const override
Definition Circle.cc:268
bool bbTriangle_SAE(real_type offs, real_type &x0, real_type &y0, real_type &x1, real_type &y1, real_type &x2, real_type &y2) const
Definition Circle.hxx:275
void tg_DDD(real_type s, real_type &tx_DDD, real_type &ty_DDD) const override
Definition Circle.cc:280
void bbox_ISO(real_type offs, real_type &xmin, real_type &ymin, real_type &xmax, real_type &ymax) const override
Definition Circle.cc:579
bool bbTriangle_ISO(real_type offs, real_type &x0, real_type &y0, real_type &x1, real_type &y1, real_type &x2, real_type &y2) const
Definition Circle.cc:456
void trim(real_type s_begin, real_type s_end) override
Definition Circle.cc:349
real_type theta_min_max(real_type &thMin, real_type &thMax) const
Definition Circle.cc:182
bool bbTriangle_ISO(real_type offs, Triangle2D &t, real_type ss0=0, real_type ss1=0, integer icurve=0) const
Definition Circle.hxx:376
void tg(real_type s, real_type &tx, real_type &ty) const override
Definition Circle.cc:246
CircleArc(real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type k, real_type L, string const &name)
Definition Circle.hxx:79
bool collision_ISO(real_type offs, CircleArc const &C, real_type offs_obj) const
Definition Circle.cc:647
void bb_triangles_ISO(real_type offs, vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/18, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
Definition Circle.cc:518
void intersect_ISO(real_type offs, CircleArc const &C, real_type offs_obj, IntersectList &ilist) const
Definition Circle.cc:727
bool build_G1(real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type x1, real_type y1)
Definition Circle.cc:119
void rotate(real_type angle, real_type cx, real_type cy) override
Definition Circle.cc:368
void translate(real_type tx, real_type ty) override
translate curve by
Definition Circle.hxx:606
real_type theta_total_variation() const
Definition Circle.hxx:785
void paramNURBS(integer &n_knots, integer &n_pnts) const
Definition Circle.cc:898
void evaluate(real_type s, real_type &th, real_type &kappa, real_type &x, real_type &y) const override
Definition Circle.hxx:514
bool bbTriangle(real_type &x0, real_type &y0, real_type &x1, real_type &y1, real_type &x2, real_type &y2) const
Definition Circle.cc:431
bool bbTriangle_ISO(real_type offs, real_type p0[], real_type p1[], real_type p2[]) const
Definition Circle.hxx:313
void eval_D(real_type, real_type &x_D, real_type &y_D) const override
Definition Circle.cc:309
void bb_triangles(vector< Triangle2D > &tvec, real_type max_angle=Utils::m_pi/18, real_type max_size=1e100, integer icurve=0) const override
Definition Circle.cc:481
void build(real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type theta0, real_type k, real_type L)
Definition Circle.hxx:152
void eval_DDD(real_type, real_type &x_DDD, real_type &y_DDD) const override
Definition Circle.cc:335
bool bbTriangle_SAE(real_type offs, real_type p0[], real_type p1[], real_type p2[]) const
Definition Circle.hxx:333
void change_origin(real_type newx0, real_type newy0) override
Definition Circle.hxx:613
void tg_D(real_type s, real_type &tx_D, real_type &ty_D) const override
Definition Circle.cc:257
void intersect(CircleArc const &obj, IntersectList &ilist) const
Definition Circle.cc:703
void eval_DD(real_type, real_type &x_DD, real_type &y_DD) const override
Definition Circle.cc:322
bool build_3P(real_type x0, real_type y0, real_type x1, real_type y1, real_type x2, real_type y2)
Definition Circle.cc:146
void toNURBS(real_type knots[], real_type Poly[][3]) const
Definition Circle.cc:912
real_type length_ISO(real_type offs) const override
Definition Circle.hxx:491
void change_curvilinear_origin(real_type s0, real_type newL)
Definition Circle.cc:419
Definition Clothoid.hxx:48
Definition ClothoidList.hxx:861
Definition Dubins3p.hxx:78
Definition Dubins.hxx:74
Definition Line.hxx:37
Definition Triangle2D.hxx:37
Definition BBox.cc:42
GC_namespace::GenericContainer GenericContainer
Generic container object.
Definition Clothoids.hh:84
std::basic_ostream< char > ostream_type
output streaming
Definition Clothoids.hh:78
std::vector< Ipair > IntersectList
Vector of pair of two real number.
Definition BaseCurve.hxx:36
Definition Clothoids.hh:89
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