Member List

Clothoids: Member List
ClothoidList Member List

This is the complete list of members for ClothoidList, including all inherited members.

append(in self, in lst)ClothoidList
bbox(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
bbTriangles(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
build(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in s, in kappa)ClothoidList
build_2arcG2(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
build_3arcG2(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
build_3arcG2fixed(in self, in s0, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
build_CLC(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
build_G1(in self, in x, in y, in varargin)ClothoidList
build_raw(in self, in x, in y, in abscissa, in theta, in kappa) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
build_theta(in self, in x, in y)ClothoidList
call_delete (defined in CurveBase)CurveBaseprotected
change_origin(in self, in newX0, in newY0)CurveBase
changeOrigin(in self, in newX0, in newY0)CurveBase
closest_point(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin)CurveBase
closest_point_by_sample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
closest_point_in_range(in self, in qx, in qy, in ibegin, in iend, in varargin) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
closest_point_in_s_range(in self, in qx, in qy, in s_begin, in s_end, in varargin)ClothoidList
closest_segment(in self, in qx, in qy) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
closestPoint(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin)CurveBase
closestPointBySample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
closestPointInRange(in self, in qx, in qy, in ibegin, in iend, in varargin)ClothoidList
closestPointInSRange(in self, in qx, in qy, in s_begin, in s_end, in varargin)ClothoidList
closestSegment(in self, in qx, in qy) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
collision(in self, in OBJ, in varargin)CurveBase
copyElement(in self)CurveBaseprotected
CurveBase(in mexName, in objectType) (defined in CurveBase)CurveBase
deltaKappa(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
deltaTheta(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
distance(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin)CurveBase
distanceBySample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
eval(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
eval_D(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
eval_DD(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
eval_DDD(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
evaluate(in self, in s, in varargin)CurveBase
export(in self)ClothoidList
export_ruby(in self, in filename) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
export_table(in self, in filename) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
find_coord(in self, in x, in y)CurveBase
find_coord1(in self, in x, in y, in varargin) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
get(in self, in k)ClothoidList
get_STK(in self)ClothoidList
get_XY(in self)ClothoidList
info(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
intersect(in self, in OBJ, in varargin)CurveBase
is_closed(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
is_type(in self) (defined in CurveBase)CurveBase
kappa(in self, in s)CurveBase
kappa_begin(in self)CurveBase
kappa_D(in self, in s)CurveBase
kappa_DD(in self, in s)CurveBase
kappa_end(in self)CurveBase
kappaBegin(in self)CurveBase
kappaEnd(in self)CurveBase
length(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
load(in self, in varargin)ClothoidList
make_closed(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
make_open(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
mexName (defined in CurveBase)CurveBaseprotected
noAABBtree(in self)CurveBase
num_segments(in self) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
numSegments(in self)ClothoidList
obj_handle(in self)CurveBase
objectHandle (defined in CurveBase)CurveBaseprotected
objectType (defined in CurveBase)CurveBaseprotected
plot(in self, in varargin)ClothoidList
plot_angle(in self, in npts, in varargin)ClothoidList
plot_bbox(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
plot_curvature(in self, in npts, in varargin)ClothoidList
plot_normal(in self, in step, in len)ClothoidList
plot_offs(in self, in offs, in npts, in varargin)ClothoidList
plot_tbox(in self, in P1, in P2, in P3, in varargin)CurveBase
plot_triangles(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
plotAngle(in self, in npts, in varargin)ClothoidList
plotBBox(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
plotCurvature(in self, in npts, in varargin)ClothoidList
plotNormal(in self, in step, in len)ClothoidList
plotTBox(in self, in P1, in P2, in P3, in varargin)CurveBase
plotTriangles(in self, in varargin)CurveBase
points(in self) (defined in CurveBase)CurveBase
push_back(in self, in varargin)ClothoidList
push_back_G1(in self, in varargin)ClothoidList
reserve(in self, in N)ClothoidList
reverse(in self)CurveBase
rotate(in self, in angle, in cx, in cy)CurveBase
s_to_index(in self, in s) (defined in ClothoidList)ClothoidList
save(in self, in fname)ClothoidList
save_clothoids(in self, in filename)ClothoidList
saveClothoids(in self, in filename)ClothoidList
scale(in self, in sc)CurveBase
theta(in self, in s)CurveBase
theta_begin(in self)CurveBase
theta_D(in self, in s)CurveBase
theta_DD(in self, in s)CurveBase
theta_DDD(in self, in s)CurveBase
theta_end(in self)CurveBase
thetaBegin(in self)CurveBase
thetaEnd(in self)CurveBase
translate(in self, in tx, in ty)CurveBase
trim(in self, in smin, in smax)CurveBase
x_begin(in self)CurveBase
x_end(in self)CurveBase
xBegin(in self)CurveBase
xEnd(in self)CurveBase
xy_begin(in self)CurveBase
xy_end(in self)CurveBase
xyBegin(in self)CurveBase
xyEnd(in self)CurveBase
y_begin(in self)CurveBase
y_end(in self)CurveBase
yBegin(in self)CurveBase
yEnd(in self)CurveBase
yesAABBtree(in self)CurveBase