Member List
ClothoidList Member List
This is the complete list of members for ClothoidList, including all inherited members.
append(in self, in lst) | ClothoidList | |
bbox(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
bbTriangles(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
build(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in s, in kappa) | ClothoidList | |
build_2arcG2(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
build_3arcG2(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
build_3arcG2fixed(in self, in s0, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
build_CLC(in self, in x0, in y0, in theta0, in kappa0, in) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
build_G1(in self, in x, in y, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
build_raw(in self, in x, in y, in abscissa, in theta, in kappa) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
build_theta(in self, in x, in y) | ClothoidList | |
call_delete (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | protected |
change_origin(in self, in newX0, in newY0) | CurveBase | |
changeOrigin(in self, in newX0, in newY0) | CurveBase | |
closest_point(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
closest_point_by_sample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
closest_point_in_range(in self, in qx, in qy, in ibegin, in iend, in varargin) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
closest_point_in_s_range(in self, in qx, in qy, in s_begin, in s_end, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
closest_segment(in self, in qx, in qy) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
closestPoint(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
closestPointBySample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
closestPointInRange(in self, in qx, in qy, in ibegin, in iend, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
closestPointInSRange(in self, in qx, in qy, in s_begin, in s_end, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
closestSegment(in self, in qx, in qy) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
ClothoidList() | ClothoidList | |
collision(in self, in OBJ, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
copyElement(in self) | CurveBase | protected |
CurveBase(in mexName, in objectType) (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | |
deltaKappa(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
deltaTheta(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
distance(in self, in qx, in qy, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
distanceBySample(in self, in qx, in qy, in ds) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
eval(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
eval_D(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
eval_DD(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
eval_DDD(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
evaluate(in self, in s, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
export(in self) | ClothoidList | |
export_ruby(in self, in filename) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
export_table(in self, in filename) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
find_coord(in self, in x, in y) | CurveBase | |
find_coord1(in self, in x, in y, in varargin) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
get(in self, in k) | ClothoidList | |
get_STK(in self) | ClothoidList | |
get_XY(in self) | ClothoidList | |
info(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
intersect(in self, in OBJ, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
is_closed(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
is_type(in self) (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | |
kappa(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
kappa_begin(in self) | CurveBase | |
kappa_D(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
kappa_DD(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
kappa_end(in self) | CurveBase | |
kappaBegin(in self) | CurveBase | |
kappaEnd(in self) | CurveBase | |
length(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
load(in self, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
make_closed(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
make_open(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
mexName (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | protected |
noAABBtree(in self) | CurveBase | |
num_segments(in self) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
numSegments(in self) | ClothoidList | |
obj_handle(in self) | CurveBase | |
objectHandle (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | protected |
objectType (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | protected |
plot(in self, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plot_angle(in self, in npts, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plot_bbox(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
plot_curvature(in self, in npts, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plot_normal(in self, in step, in len) | ClothoidList | |
plot_offs(in self, in offs, in npts, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plot_tbox(in self, in P1, in P2, in P3, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
plot_triangles(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
plotAngle(in self, in npts, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plotBBox(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
plotCurvature(in self, in npts, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
plotNormal(in self, in step, in len) | ClothoidList | |
plotTBox(in self, in P1, in P2, in P3, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
plotTriangles(in self, in varargin) | CurveBase | |
points(in self) (defined in CurveBase) | CurveBase | |
push_back(in self, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
push_back_G1(in self, in varargin) | ClothoidList | |
reserve(in self, in N) | ClothoidList | |
reverse(in self) | CurveBase | |
rotate(in self, in angle, in cx, in cy) | CurveBase | |
s_to_index(in self, in s) (defined in ClothoidList) | ClothoidList | |
save(in self, in fname) | ClothoidList | |
save_clothoids(in self, in filename) | ClothoidList | |
saveClothoids(in self, in filename) | ClothoidList | |
scale(in self, in sc) | CurveBase | |
theta(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
theta_begin(in self) | CurveBase | |
theta_D(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
theta_DD(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
theta_DDD(in self, in s) | CurveBase | |
theta_end(in self) | CurveBase | |
thetaBegin(in self) | CurveBase | |
thetaEnd(in self) | CurveBase | |
translate(in self, in tx, in ty) | CurveBase | |
trim(in self, in smin, in smax) | CurveBase | |
x_begin(in self) | CurveBase | |
x_end(in self) | CurveBase | |
xBegin(in self) | CurveBase | |
xEnd(in self) | CurveBase | |
xy_begin(in self) | CurveBase | |
xy_end(in self) | CurveBase | |
xyBegin(in self) | CurveBase | |
xyEnd(in self) | CurveBase | |
y_begin(in self) | CurveBase | |
y_end(in self) | CurveBase | |
yBegin(in self) | CurveBase | |
yEnd(in self) | CurveBase | |
yesAABBtree(in self) | CurveBase |
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