
An Expression Evaluator Class for run-time evaluation of simple symbolic expressions. This is particularly suitable to facilitates the input process from free format files.

Online documentation is available here.

Gituh homepage here.


Including the class Calculator<…>

The software consists of a single header file calc.hh. There is no .a or .so files to be linked.

The calc.hh facilities are available by the following inclusion statement:

#include "calc.hh"
using namespace calc_load;

Instantiating an expression evaluator.

The instantiation process of an expression evaluator requires the specification of its template type. The statement

Calculator<double> ee;

instantiates the object ee which in this case is an expression evaluator operating on double’s.

Parsing a string

The object ee can now be used to parse simple symbolic expressions input as strings,

bool err = ee . parse("1+sin(3.5)/4");

the boolean variable err is set true when a parsing error is found. The function get_value() returns the value resulting from the parsing process:

double res = ee . get_value();

When an error is produced, an error report explaining what went wrong can be print out by the class method report_error, as for example in the following piece of source:


The input string to the method @c parse can contain more than one expression. Individual expressions must be separated by the end-of-statement separator ;.

err = ee.parse("a=1+sin(3); b=1-sin(3); sqrt(a*b)");

In the case of a multiple expression parsing, the class method get_value() returns only the last evaluated value.

In the previous example this is a*b.

Notice also that the assignement symbol = makes possible the memorization of intermediate expression values in other variables.


The expression evaluator uses a fixed number of operators, that are listed in order of precedence as follows

  • # the rest of the string is a comment (and clearly ignored);

  • +, - binary addition and subtraction, e.g.

10+2; 3-4.2;
  • *, / binary multiplication and division, e.g.

2.3*4.9; 2/4
  • ^ power, e.g.

10^4 # (results 10000);
  • +, - unary + and -, e.g.

+120; 12+-12;
  • (, ) parenthesis are use to change operator precedence; for example the expression 12-(2-2) evaluates to 12 while 12-2-2 evaluates to 8;

  • ; expression separator;

  • = assignement operator.

Predefined Functions

In the previous section we used the function @c sin. There are a number of predefined functions which can be used in symbolic expressions. In the following we lists them.






absolute value of x


positive part of x


negative part of x


cosine of x


sine of x


tangent of x


arcsin of x


arccos of x


arctan of x


hyperbolic cosine of x


hyperbolic sine of x


hyperbolic tangent of x


exponential of x


natural logarithm of x


base 10 logarithm of x


square root of of x


least integer over x


great integer under x


maximum of {x,y}


minimum of {x,y}


arctan of y/x


power x^y

Defining new functions

A new function can be introduced into the expression evaluator by defining it as static and then passing the evaluator its name and address pointer by using the two evaluator facilities set_unary_fun and set_binary_fun.

The following example illustrates the mechanism. Let us first define the two static functions:

static double power2(double const & a)
{ return a*a; }

static double add(double const & a, double const & b)
{ return a+b; }

Then let us add @c power2 and @c add to the current expression evaluator as follows:


These new functions can now be invoked in symbolic expressions as the predefined ones:

err = ee.parse("power2(add(2,e))");

The expression evaluator is capable of handling only unary and binary functions, i.e. functions with one or two arguments.

Symbolic Constants

Two symbolic constants are available whose value is assigned by default:

  • e = 2.71828182845904523536

  • pi = 3.14159265358979323846

They can be used in symbolic expressions like the following one:

e + sin(pi*0.5);

Defining new variables

New variables can be introduced into the expression evaluator by using the method set or the assignement operator. For example, the following piece of source code defines the new variable abc and initialize it to the value 1/3:

err = ee.parse("abc = 1/3");

The first statements uses the parse method and the assignement operator = of the expression evaluator. The parse method evaluates the expression on the right of = and then assigns the parsing result to the variable on the right.

If the variable should not exist it would be created and assigned.

The second statement creates - if needed - and assigns directly the variable. Once created and initilized, the variable can be used in the next operations; for example

err = ee.parse("zz = abc*sin(3)/(1+abc)");

In this case the new variable zz is also created. A variable is a string which always begins with a letter and may be followed by any sequence of alphanumeric characters, such as numbers, letters or the underscore symbols like _.

The exist return true if its argument is a defined variable, as in

bool ex1 = ee.exist("abc");
bool ex2 = ee.exist("pippo");

In this case @c ex1 is set to true and @c ex2 to false. It is possible to get out the value of a variable,

bool ok;
double val1 = ee.get("abc",ok);
double val2 = ee.get("pippo",ok);

The value of val1 is 0.333333 while val2 is 0 because the variable pippo does not exist. The variable ok takes the value true and false if the variable exists or not exists respectively.

Parsing a file

The expression evaluator can be used to parse a complete file. The parsing process proceeds by reading the file one line at a time and parsing it. Use the method

ee.parse_file("filename", true);

The boolean true in the second entry asks the expression evaluator for proceeding in verbose mode, that is for printing out on cerr input errors when detected. If the flag was set to false, reading would proceed silently and errors ignored.

For example, consider the following input file:

# this is a comment line
gamma = 1.4
# set left state
rin = 1 # density
vin = 0 # velocity
pin = 1 # pressure
ein = rin*vin*vin/2+pin/(gamma-1)

# set right state
rout = 0.125
vout = 0
pout = 0.1
eout = rin*vin*vin/2+pout/(gamma-1)

If a program needs as input parameters rin, vin, ein, rout, vout, eout the following piece of code

ee.parse_file("", true);
bool ok;
double rin  = ee.get("rin",ok);
double vin  = ee.get("vin",ok);
double ein  = ee.get("ein",ok);
double rout = ee.get("rout",ok);
double vout = ee.get("vout",ok);
double eout = ee.get("eout",ok);

does the work. The advantages of using expression evaluators in reading input files are multiples:

  • a free input format is easily usable;

  • comments can be added everywhere therein;

  • simple computations may be inserted as part of an input file.

A simple calculator

This piece of code is a complete simple expression evaluator working as a calculator:

# include "calc.hh"

using calc::Calculator;
using namespace std;

typedef Calculator<double,unsigned> CALC;

main() {

  string str;
  CALC * parse = new CALC();

  while (true) {
    cout << "> ";
    getline(cin, str) ;
    if ( str == "end"  || str == "bye" ||
         str == "quit" || str == "exit"  ) break;
    if ( str == "list" ) {
      cout << *parse << '\n';
    } else {
      bool err;
      double value = parse->parse(str,err);
      if ( err ) parse->report_error(cout);
      else       cout << value << '\n';


  cout << "\nbye\n";
  delete parse;
  return 0;

when run

> 1+1
> a = 2
> b = pi
> a*b

can have a list of commands

> list

abs, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, log, log10, neg, pos, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh,

atan2, max, min, pow,

a = 2
b = 3.14159
e = 2.71828
pi = 3.14159


Enrico Bertolazzi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università degli Studi di Trento


This code is inspired by the Expression Evaluator of Mark Morley (c) 1992.