Spline2D Class ReferenceΒΆ

Splines: Spline2D Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Spline2D:

Public Member Functions

function Spline2D (in name, in varargin)
function build (in self, in x, in y, in z)
function eval (in self, in x, in y)
function eval_Dx (in self, in x, in y)
function eval_Dy (in self, in x, in y)
function eval_Dxx (in self, in x, in y)
function eval_Dxy (in self, in x, in y)
function eval_Dyy (in self, in x, in y)
function make_x_opened (in self)
function is_x_closed (in self)
function make_x_bounded (in self)
function make_x_unbounded (in self)
function is_x_bounded (in self)
function make_y_opened (in self)
function is_y_closed (in self)
function make_y_bounded (in self)
function make_y_unbounded (in self)
function is_y_bounded (in self)

Protected Member Functions

function copyElement (in self)

Detailed Description

MATLAB class wrapper for the underlying C++ class.

The construction of the 2D spline is done as follows

  • instantiate the spline object
spl = Spline2D( kind, X, Y, ZZ );
% or
spl = Spline2D( kind );
spl.build( X, Y, ZZ );

kind is a string and can be any of

kind meaning
'bilinear' piecewise linear in X e Y direction
'cubic' piecewise cubic in X e Y direction
'akima' piecewise cubic with Akima non oscillatory construction
'biquintic' piecewise quintic in X e Y direction

Evaluation is simple

Z = spl.eval( X, Y );

where X and Y are scalar or vector or matrix of the same size. the result Z is scalar or vector or matrix of the same size of the inputs.

example of usage

X = -2:0.01:2;
Y = -2:0.01:2;
[XX,YY] = ndgrid(X,Y);
ZZ = peaks(XX,YY);
spl = Spline2D('bicubic',X,Y,ZZ);
surf(XX,YY,ZZ), view(145,-2), set(gca,'Fontsize',16);
X = -2:0.1:2;
Y = -2:0.1:2;
[XX,YY] = ndgrid(X,Y);
ZZ = spl.eval(XX,YY);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Spline2D()

function Spline2D::Spline2D ( in name,
in varargin )

Build a spline given a table of point and type:

spl = Spline2D( kind ); % initialize
spl = Spline2D( kind, X, Y, Z ); % initialize and build

Member Function Documentation

◆ build()

function Spline2D::build ( in self,
in x,
in y,
in z )

Build a spline given a table of point and type:

spl.build( X, Y, Z );

X and Y are vector Z is a matrix nx x ny

◆ copyElement()

function Spline2D::copyElement ( in self)

Make a deep copy of a curve object


B = A.copy();

where A is the curve object to be copied.

◆ eval()

function Spline2D::eval ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline (and its derivatives) at (x,y)

P = spl.eval( x, y );
[P,Px,Py] = spl.eval( x, y );
[P,Px,Py,Pxx,Pxy,Pyy] = spl.eval( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ eval_Dx()

function Spline2D::eval_Dx ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline x derivative at (x,y)

Dx = spl.eval_Dx( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ eval_Dxx()

function Spline2D::eval_Dxx ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline x second derivative at (x,y)

Dxx = spl.eval_Dxx( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ eval_Dxy()

function Spline2D::eval_Dxy ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline xy second derivative at (x,y)

Dxy = spl.eval_Dxy( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ eval_Dy()

function Spline2D::eval_Dy ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline y derivative at (x,y)

Dy = spl.eval_Dy( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ eval_Dyy()

function Spline2D::eval_Dyy ( in self,
in x,
in y )

Evaluate spline y second derivative at (x,y)

Dyy = spl.eval_Dyy( x, y );

x and y are salar or vector or matrix of the same size

◆ is_x_bounded()

function Spline2D::is_x_bounded ( in self)

Check if spline is computable only in the x-range where is defined. Return true if can be computed only in the range.

ok = spl.is_x_bounded();

◆ is_x_closed()

function Spline2D::is_x_closed ( in self)

Return true if spline surface is of closed type in x-direction

ok = spl.is_x_closed();

◆ is_y_bounded()

function Spline2D::is_y_bounded ( in self)

Check if spline is computable only in the y-range where is defined. Return true if can be computed only in the range.

ok = spl.is_y_bounded();

◆ is_y_closed()

function Spline2D::is_y_closed ( in self)

Return true if spline surface is of closed type in y-direction

ok = spl.is_y_closed();

◆ make_x_bounded()

function Spline2D::make_x_bounded ( in self)

Make spline surface computable only in the x-range where is defined. If x is outside range an error is produced.


◆ make_x_opened()

function Spline2D::make_x_opened ( in self)
    Set spline surface as closed in `x direction

/ / {matlab} / spl.make_x_closed(); / / public: function make_x_closed(in self );

/ / Set spline surface as opened in x direction @iverbatim {matlab} spl.make_x_opened(); `

◆ make_x_unbounded()

function Spline2D::make_x_unbounded ( in self)

Make spline surface computable outside the x-range is defined. If x is outside range value is extrapolated.


◆ make_y_bounded()

function Spline2D::make_y_bounded ( in self)

Make spline surface computable only in the y-range where is defined. If y is outside range an error is produced.


◆ make_y_opened()

function Spline2D::make_y_opened ( in self)
    Set spline surface as closed in `y direction

/ / {matlab} / spl.make_y_closed(); / / public: function make_y_closed(in self );

/ / Set spline surface as opened in y direction @iverbatim {matlab} spl.make_y_opened(); `

◆ make_y_unbounded()

function Spline2D::make_y_unbounded ( in self)

Make spline surface computable outside the y-range is defined. If y is outside range value is extrapolated.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /Users/enrico/Ricerca/develop/PINS/pins-mechatronix/LibSources/submodules/Splines/toolbox/lib/Spline2D.m